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What’s Your HIV Status? Better to Be in the Know Than in the Dark

In the 1990s, I treated many patients with AIDS who suffered eye damage and vision loss due to the immune system breakdown caused by the disease. Today, AIDS and HIV, the virus that causes it, are better managed with prescription drugs, so I see only a fraction of the complications as I once did.

That’s good news, but there’s concern now that we as a society have become complacent about HIV and AIDS. That’s why June 27 has been designated National HIV Testing Day, an annual observance to promote HIV testing. The fact is, one in five people living with AIDS don’t know they have it, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Knowing your HIV status is an important step in preventing the spread of HIV.

If you test negative, you can work to stay that way. If you are HIV-positive, finding out early can help you live a longer, healthier life and take precautions to protect your partner.
[pullquote align=”left”]1 in 5 people living with AIDS don’t know they have it.[/pullquote]

You can find clinics and testing locations in East Texas that offer free HIV tests by using CDC’s site locator. You can get confidential or anonymous tests, depending on the site, and there are even self-testing kits for home use. Self-testing generally is not recommended because you won’t have the benefit of counseling before the test and especially when the results come back, but it is also recognized that there are times when other options are difficult.

Certain high-risk groups should get tested regularly, including sexually active younger teenagers, women of color, men who have sex with men, people who inject or snort drugs with others, and sex workers. However, HIV does not target a specific group and no one is immune.

For more information about HIV, AIDS and HIV testing, visit

To mobilize your faith community to teach the importance of HIV testing and challenge stigmas associated with HIV and AIDS, read about the Our Faith Lights the Way campaign and access free downloadable posters and other resources.

Dr. Jeff Pinkerton
iCare for you.

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